What a year.

When starting this website, I imagined I would regularly check in and update with ideas and news in a spontaneous way. Then as 2020 began to reveal itself, routines and time-use needed a complete re-think. It sometimes felt like being submerged in a submarine and raising the periscope every now and then to check in and see if ‘normal’ life was still out here.

Part of that’ normal’ was Christmas. Holidays, visiting friends and family, gift buying and gift giving and taking time off were just a few of the things we’d all usually look forward to, that were this time slightly out of reach.

It felt odd to make cards that touched upon these normal things in light of the circumstances we all faced, but it seemed to me that even though we couldn’t see the people we loved or share simple connections, we nonetheless all looked forward to connecting with them again and, perhaps more quietly, celebrated the feelings inwardly for that year.


These cards were printed by Mark at https://www.theartistsprintroom.co.uk for Christmas 2020. I’d never worked with Mark before, but right from the get go, it was clear that he is a terrific craftsman and from start to finish, he was informative, helpful and thoroughly reliable.

Now I’m currently designing cards for 2021. This year wasn’t quite the return to usual that we had all hoped, but it was at least a start in the right direction.

I’m looking forward to working with Mark again.